Input Adapters(Hexagonal Architecture)
Input Adapters, also known as driving or secondary, are implementation of the entry points of the application like HTTP/gRPC handlers, UI, or tests. They are responsible for calling Business Logic using ports, often translating requests from the outside world into Domain Objects.
Often used input adapters:
- server - http, grpc, websockets, graphQL, ...
- queue workers - kafka, rabbitmq, ...
- tests,
- console commands,
- UI.
Input Adapters are kind of Adapter and they are part of Hexagonal Architecture.
All examples below are implementations of input adapters.
HTTP handler for graph translation:
func (h *Handler) Translate(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){
inputGraph, err := h.converter.Convert(req.Body)
if err ...
// calling into Business Logic using port(interface)
outputGraph, err := h.translator.Translate(inputGraph)
if err ...
writeResponse(rw, outputGraph)
// main
handler := handlerTranslator.New(...)
router.POST("/translate", handler.Translate)
Console command for graph translation:
// main
data, err := os.ReadFile(cfg.GraphPath)
if err ...
var inputGraph domain.InputGraph
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &inputGraph)
if err ...
// calling into Business Logic using port(interface)
outputGraph, err := translator.Translate(inputGraph)
if err ...
This is part of a testing suite responsible for creating mocks and running the Consume Business Logic:
func (f *apiFeature) processTheMessage() error {
dpRepoMock, segmentRepoMock := createMocks(...)
set := build.FlexibleSet(
f.cfg, dpRepoMock, segmentRepoMock,
message := attribute.AttrChangeMsg{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(f.message), &message)
if err ...
// calling into Business Logic using port(interface)
return set.Consumer.Consume(message)
- its a part of Hexagonal Architecture, so look there